How to Philippians 4:8

How to Philippians 4:8

I don't have a lot of time to write now because of my next pressing calendar agenda item. Regardless, as I was about to post an encouraging graphic and caption via our social media platforms I was convicted to go a little deeper than one can go with a caption.

Thus, here I am. There may be typos and it may not be the most clear writing I ever do, but I hope it helps some one out there today or in the days to come.

Philippians 4:8 reads "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

These verses follow Paul's challenge to rejoice always and reject anxiety. We are taught to present our needs and request to God with thanksgiving. Then, were are told in verse eight that the meditation of our mind and heart matters too.

How do we focus on these things though? How do we think about these things? How do we choose a biblical mindset by committing ourselves to biblical meditation? Here are some practical suggestions:

1. Use Phil 4:8 as a meditation guide.
Choose to make it a daily or otherwise regular ritual. Maybe at the start of your day. Walk through the verse and with each directive take a moment to conjure up in your minds actual realities that fit the bill. What is true today? I am breathing, I am saved, Jesus paid it all, for example. What is honorable today? My son defeated selfishness today by offering me some of his chocolate when he noticed I wanted some! That's honorable, for example. So on and so forth. Go through the verse like shopping list of positive and biblically commanded meditation.

2. Read the Bible and pray.
Not much else to say here. You just have to make it a habit. It's a well that you can infinitely keep coming back to for refreshing and life. I do not care what your excuses are to not make this a habit. There is no good excuse, including yours. So stop not doing the thing that breaths life into your soul.  

3. Listen to, and participate in, worship music.
Might I recommend Mosaic MSC. I have been listening to their music a lot lately. It is simple, it is beautiful, it is true. Music like magic in a way. Rather than hearing the truth, we feel the truth. It is so good. Just make sure the worship you listen to and participate in is good, true, God honoring worship.

4. Cut back on other inputs.
Less doom scrolling, less news, less secular music, less secular shows, less of everything that does not fill you with the goodness of our everlasting and loving father in heaven. Again, I know we all have excuses. They are all pitiful. Why would we continue to feast on top ramen when God has prepared a 3 star Michelin infinite buffet, and then laid it before us.

5. Get alone.
Find a spot, or some spots. Get alone. Do this regularly. During this time you can practice any of the aforementioned points enumerated before us. Pray, read, think, sing, you name it friends. These moments fill you with peace, revelation, and joy.

That is it.

I did mention excuses. I did say that our excuses are worthless. However, I do understand very personally that while there is no good excuse, that does not mean that it isn't hard to overcome them. So here is the last thing I will say. Invite someone into your Phil 4:8 journey. Share with them your plans and struggles. Get accountability and support. We are not meant to do this alone.

I hope this is helpful to someone.
Love, Breandan

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