Evangelism & the Church
by Breandan McTighe on August 1st, 2024
I have been encouraged as of late to see a kind of waking up to the individual call of evangelism and discipleship. This calling is among the most important calls that a Christian person is tasked with. Thus, it would seem obvious that we all have an individual duty to participate in this calling. It gets confusing though. The messages we preach do not always marry well with the culture we nurture...  Read More
Fellowship & Ice Cream
by Breandan McTighe on July 26th, 2024
As a small church, we do a lot of stuff. This by itself is neither good nor bad — I suppose one could argue that it is far better to do something than it is to do nothing. Even if the something you are dong is the wrong thing, you learn from it. When you do nothing, nothing ever gets done, including mistakes. — Still, if we are going to do something, it is probably a good idea hat we have answers ...  Read More
How to Philippians 4:8
by Breandan McTighe on July 19th, 2024
I don't have a lot of time to write now because of my next pressing calendar agenda item. Regardless, as I was about to post an encouraging graphic and caption via our social media platforms I was convicted to go a little deeper than one can go with a caption.Thus, here I am. There may be typos and it may not be the most clear writing I ever do, but I hope it helps some one out there today or in t...  Read More
by Breandan McTighe on February 20th, 2023
GT300 Stands for "Grow to 300," and is our latest vision/initiative at RCC. Simply put, it is a goal or a drive to grow the church by focusing on our mission to help people find and follow Jesus. WHY GT300?Because we exist to help people find and follow JesusBecause people focus and thrive more with goals laid before usBecause 300 is a number that nearly maxes out our current campus' capacityWHY D...  Read More
Ask Series Resources
by Breandan McTighe on September 23rd, 2022
Books to Check Out:The Case for Faith" by Lee Strobel Physical Book Audio BookThe Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel Physical Book Audio BookMere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis Physical Book Audio Book "I don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" by Frank Turek Physical Book Audio Book"Stealing from God" by Frank Turek: Physical Book Audio Book"Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that...  Read More
by Breandan McTighe on August 18th, 2022
I present to you three assumptions about life: (1) In life, as a general rule, it is good to ask questions. (2) The main reason for this is that often times when you ask questions you find answers. (3) This is good, because answers are intrinsically good, because truth is intrinsically good.Take for example the famous question, “Will you marry me?” If you never ask the question, you will never rec...  Read More
February Highlights
by Breandan McTighe on January 27th, 2022
"How to Read the Bible" is a class that covers the basic concepts of reading through and understanding Biblical literature. Literary type, historical context, place in the Biblical narrative, and many other factors all play a role in not just reading, but understanding the Bible. Join us in this class as we seek to not just be those with ears, but also those who hear and then do. Sign up at the Co...  Read More
Family Feud Game Night
by Breandan McTighe on January 19th, 2022
Family Feud Game Night and Annual Meeting is a night for our church family to get together, laugh, and not take ourselves too seriously. We have our very own custom built Family Feud software; so this is as close to the real thing as possible. Whether you are coming by yourself, or with others, we are going to have a great time. Everyone will have a team, and an opportunity to participate.After we...  Read More
November Highlights
by Breandan McTighe on November 4th, 2021
On Sunday November 7th we will be beginning a new series titled "How to Love." This will be a very practical series where we don't just unpack the what and why of love, but the how. In other words, we will be exploring practical ways of how to demonstrate love towards our families, church, and communities. Join us from Sunday to Sunday as we build this topic out. Our prayer is that at Reclaim, lov...  Read More
Closer (Fasting Initiative)
by Breandan McTighe on September 21st, 2021
Here is a quick video exploring and explaining fasting for those who are new to this spiritual discipline. ...  Read More
October Highlights
by Breandan McTighe on September 20th, 2021
Every Sunday through the month of October we are encouraging all Reclaim Christians to open up their homes and invite someone over for lunch. Or, get invited to someone's house for lunch! Can't make Sunday after church work? That's ok, have a Friday dinner instead! Just invite or be invited. Get to know some fellow Reclaim Christians a little better. CLOSER is an initiative based off of James 4:8 ...  Read More
The State We're In
by Breandan McTighe on August 30th, 2021
We live in a state where people don’t go to church,because their god is the money that comes from the jobs where they work.So they live, each and every day to get paid,so they can purchase distractions from their soul that's enslaved.People smile, but inside everybody is depressed.So they search for answers so long as it is not JesusSecond job, second wife, second family, second life.Because, they...  Read More